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Costume-makers' conference at Stage|Set|Scenery
Germany – This year, for the first time, the international trade show and conference Stage|Set|Scenery is co-operating with Gesellschaft der Theaterkostümschaffenden (GTKos). “Our partnership with GTKos has enabled us to provide a much wider-ranging programme of conference events and trade show,” said Juliane Trempler, project manager at Messe Berlin.
From 20th to 22nd June 2017 at the Palais am Funkturm on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds GTKos will be hosting a three-day costume-makers’ conference at which costume-makers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland can exchange views and get all the latest knowledge and information. On Tuesday, 21st June at 11am a lecture on ‘Dyes and costume care (ecology and sustainability)’ and a meeting of specialist groups on costume management and training/schools will be among the events awaiting trade visitors. On Wednesday, 22nd June, specialist groups will be meeting to discuss tailoring and shoemaking. On Thursday, 23rd June, the relevant groups will be discussing costume management, costume painting, project management/assistance and women’s hat-making. These events will be rounded off by a lecture asking ‘Do theatres need advanced training for management?’. The annual general meeting of GTKos is scheduled to take place on 21st June from 12:30 to 3pm. According to Angelika Laubmeier and Monika Gora of GTKos: “Stage|Set|Scenery is the ideal venue for our costume-makers’ conference. This is where leading companies representing all the skilled trades responsible for a successful production will be gathered. Decoration and furnishings as well as lighting and where to enrol for training are of especial interest to costume-makers.”
At the trade show in Hall 22 the following will be among the companies addressing the above topics: Klaus Schreck Tanz und Theaterbedarf, Fabric House Unipersonale, Fauck, IT4Culture, The Tulle Factory, Der rote Faden, SWR Media Services, Teamwork Filmservice and training institutions.
On the same subject, Bund der Szenografen, which also represents costume-makers, will be hosting a stand in Hall 22. On 22nd June from 2:30 to 5pm the association will be holding its annual general meeting in Hall 23/Round Table 23. On 22nd June from noon to 2pm it will also host a symposium on ’Performing Light: Visceral Experience and Meaning of Lighting. An introduction to the publication of The Art of Light on Stage’ by Yaron Abulafia.
Members of GTKos can obtain tickets to the conference and Stage|Set|Scenery at reduced rates from its website.
8th June 2017
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