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Network master box from Movecat assures compliance with latest SIL 3 requirements
The new I-Motion Network Master Box meets all the latest requirements for SIL 3 applications with Stop Category 1 in combination with DGUV V17 (BGV C1) vario drives.
As network master after the control consoles (e.g. Expert-T or Basic), the NMB-14 I-Motion network master box generates for subsequent NDB-6 network distributor boxes and V-Motion power controllers the requisite dual channel diversitary data communication and Stop Category 1/E-Stop function level as well as guaranteeing the real-time synchronicity of the connected system units.
The device is equipped with 14 independent, opto-isolated I-Motion network outputs for V-Motion or NDB-6 and makes possible the flexible combination of star and series topologies for complex kinetic systems meeting the highest standards in terms of failure-free, functional system security.
Furthermore, the NMB-14 manages the E-Stop functionality in the I-Motion network in addition to further internal and external E-Stops. These are complemented by two external safety ('dead-man') enabler buttons for selective, decentralised enabling in case of non-ideal operating conditions such as restricted visibility.
For the operation of the NMB-14 I-Motion network master box, four function keys as well as a back-lit 4x20 digital display with LED status indicators are provided. The integrated UPS sets the seal on the operational safety of the network master box and with it of the I-Motion integrated system.
With the NMB-14, existing I-Motion systems can be upgraded to Stop Category 1 and the latest safety and functional requirements of DGUV V17, EN 61508/SIL3 and BetrSichV, thereby assuring continuing guideline conformity and with it future-safe operation.
The devices are available at short notice from the warehouse in Nufringen.
30th June 2017
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