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TechLED signals Production Park's allegiance to the #WeMakeEvents campaign day of action

TechLED signals Production Park\'s allegiance to the #WeMakeEvents campaign day of action

UK – As event professionals took to the streets of every major city across the UK on 11th August, in support of the PLASA-led #WeMakeEvents campaign, TechLED Ltd once again bathed Production Park, including the Studio and Rockwell cafe in the companion #LightItInRed campaign’s signature colour, emergency red.

TechLED’s MD, Gordon Addison, once again turned to the power of Prolight’s LEDJ Spectra QX40 Pixel exterior fixtures to illuminate the buildings. While the Production Park team attended the protest demonstration in Leeds, the team at TechLED kept alive the signal of allegiance, with many other theatres and cultural institutions across the country affected by the continued inability to open during the coronavirus pandemic.

Gordon commented: “We would like to say a massive thank you to all our customers and everyone who came together on the eve of Tuesday 11th August, to highlight the devastating situation faced by the whole events industry during this crisis we all find ourselves in. It’s of the utmost importance that the government’s proposed care package reaches all aspects of the events industry and the plight of our industry is acknowledged and addressed.”

Production Park’s Jack Scarr, added: “The #LightItInRed campaign saw hundreds of event landmarks across the UK lit up in red to bring attention to the plight of the live events industry due to the pandemic. Gordon and his team at TechLED made it possible for us to illuminate Studio 001, Backstage Academy and Rockpool Café in red to show our support for the campaign.

“At Production Park, our main focus and concern is for freelancers and small production and rental companies, like TechLED. They cannot work at the moment due to the current restrictions on mass gatherings. They need support in the form of grants not loans, and a sector-specific furlough scheme. Their survival is vital so they can continue to create incredible experiences for event-goers, which would not be possible without them.”

17th August 2020

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