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Turning Empty Spaces into Places to be
UK – The outbreak of Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the theatre industry. Due to the restrictions that have been in place for the past few months, the majority of venues up and down the country are unable to open their doors and stage productions. That said, we are now seeing many producers and companies look to utilise non-traditional spaces in order to ensure that their show still goes on yet does so while ensuring the safety of its audience. As a company, WL has already spent years transforming bespoke spaces into places suitable for performance and is now helping as many clients as possible adapt to these new circumstances.
WL's unparalleled knowledge and access to the latest technology means it is able to work in any space, whether it’s an old warehouse, abandoned car park or even a castle grounds. Its expert team will support customers every step of the way, from advising on the initial design layout and installing the infrastructure to supplying the equipment and providing continued support. Similarly, due to WL's experience, it is able to transform these bepsoke spaces as efficiently and safely as possible.
If this is something of interest, then please contact WL's customer service team. Ultimately, even in these challenging, times, the show must go on!
28th August 2020
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