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Two ESTA standards in public review for reaffirmation and two new published
USA - Two existing standards are being considered for reaffirmation and are posted for public review on the ESTA website at Comments are due before the end of the day on 5 April 2021. The standards are:
BSR E1.28-2011(R202x), Guidance on planning followspot positions in places of public assembly, offers guidance on the planning of permanent followspot positions, including recommendations on the locations of the followspot positions within the venue, the power likely to be needed, the waste heat generated, the amount of space likely to be needed, and the fall protection and egress issues to be considered for the followspot operator's safety. The existing American National Standard is being considered for reaffirmation; there is a link on the public review page to the standard.
BSR E1.57- 2016(R202x), Recommendations to prevent falls on or off movable parade floats, movable stages, and similar moving platforms, establishes minimum levels and measures needed to reduce the risk for performers and technicians in various positions on movable parade floats, movable stages, and similar moving platforms. The document provides guidance on mitigation methods. The existing American National Standard is being considered for reaffirmation.
Two more ESTA standards approved and published
Two more ESTA standards have been approved as American National Standards and published. The documents are available for download at no cost at, or you can purchase them for $40 each from ANSI and IHS.
ANSI E1.6-1 – 2021, Entertainment Technology – Powered Hoist Systems, establishes requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, and maintenance of powered hoist systems for lifting and suspension of loads for performance, presentation, and theatrical production. It does not apply to the structure to which the hoist is attached, to attachment of loads to the load carrying device, or to systems for flying people. Excluded are welded link chain hoists, and manually powered hoists, including “manual” hoists with auxiliary electric drill operation.
ANSI E1.59 – 2021, Entertainment Technology – Object Transform Protocol (OTP), describes a mechanism to transfer object transform information such as position, orientation and velocity over an IP network using a subset of the [ACN] protocol suite. It covers data format, data protocol, data addressing, and network management. Data transmitted is intended to coordinate visual and audio elements of a production and should not be used for safety critical applications.
15th February 2021
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