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#WeMakeEvents amplifies support for post-Brexit touring productions in open letter to Grant Shapps
UK – Industry collective #WeMakeEvents is joined by over 150 industry players to call for crucial government support for the specialist transport vehicles: carrying artists, crew and equipment involved in touring productions, which have been rendered inoperable.
An essential component to music, film and TV tours, passenger transportation relies on operating freely in the EU. Under the current post-Brexit EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) hauliers are restricted, stopping the 30 companies in the sector from returning and UK artists from being able to tour. This is instead opening up opportunities for trucking companies to be set up in the EU and sacrificing specialist jobs. The industry is now writing to the Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, urging the government to negotiate exemptions or waivers to the TCA and/or provide short term work-arounds.
Without freedom of movement to work across the EU, the demise of sleeper bus and splitter van businesses will threaten the UK’s entire creative export ecosystem and position as a recognised global leader in live events. Unless the TCA is negotiated to provide an exception to the cabotage hauliers, the industry faces another competitive disadvantage against EU-based competitors.
To raise awareness, over 50 musicians have co-signed the letter including Frank Turner, Two Door Cinema Club, Maximo Park, Blossoms, Ghostpoet, Public Service Broadcasting, Melanie C and Jamiroquai. Also supporting are the producers and crew involved in music, film, and TV productions that rely on the customised vehicles operated by these live events businesses.
With all but no live events being able to take place in the EU for over a year, the letter follows a recent #WeMakeEvents’ survey further highlighting the complexities of Brexit:
Almost a third of respondents generated 30% or more of their revenues from Europe in 2019
62% see the new EU relationship as a problem for business and income
36% are expecting increased EU competition
Duncan Bell, steering committee member of #WeMakeEvents said: “The UK is geared up to hold around 85 per cent of Europe’s touring capacity in terms of the live event supply chain and without solutions to the EU Touring obstacles we face, these businesses and individuals are in jeopardy. Over one year down the line since tours were taken from under our feet, we are witnessing an imminent destruction of the UK’s position as a supplier of skills and technology to touring. Without urgent intervention, we may well see the invisible army of touring staff have to permanently sacrifice their beloved careers and choose more stable jobs.”
Tarrant Anderson, the founder and a director of Vans For Bands Ltd, said: “What we need the government to recognise is the irreparable damage that will be imposed upon touring production unless counteractive support to new EU laws is made accessible. The Brexit deal means the only work companies like ours can now do in the EU is make one delivery stop, one interior move in that location, then one more movement within the EU before being forced to return to the UK. The pandemic has exacerbated this in taking away all touring work before the law was imposed. In normal circumstances Vans For Bands services over 100 tours per month and transports around 10,000 musicians and crew every year; not being able to do what we do best, even when lockdown restrictions ease, will be devastating.”
Frank Turner, British singer and songwriter, said: “The restrictions which have become apparent in the wake of the Brexit deal are completely restrictive, to the point of negation, of the touring world I know and have worked in for the last two decades. If these restrictions had been in place for the last 20 years, I simply would not have been able to tour, establish my audience, and grow my career on the continent, to the point where I now (in usual times) headline arena shows and festivals across Europe. I have proudly employed many skilled UK crew members and musicians and generated revenue and tax from my business in Europe as much as any other overseas territory. Facing its removal from my touring schedule is unconscionable.”
Two Door Cinema Club, Northern Irish rock band, said: “When we were starting out, cutting our teeth in clubs and broom closets around Europe we struggled to make ends meet. Everything we had, we put into pursuing our dream. We crammed into a van and off we went. After a show in Paris got critics talking, we were asked to join a European tour with a weeks’ notice and the rest is history. Now 12 years and thousands of tickets sold later, we play at European festivals every summer where every single one has talented and brilliant artists from this country. If these restrictions were in place when we were starting out, pursuing our dream, I have no doubt that we wouldn’t be where we are today. This country exports incredible stories, art and pure jubilation, we must protect that otherwise we risk never having the next Adele, Artic Monkeys or Stormzy.”
7th April 2021
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