Spring 2018Sightline Journal of Theatre Technology and DesignHaymarket Theatre, Leicester re-visitedThe end of Tungsten Lighting?Modern Theatres: Sydney Opera HouseLEDs and Lighting DesignNew ABTT Initiatives1stintheatre Ltd 0333 335 0374 | www.1stintheatre.co.uk | info@1stintheatre.co.uk 10K Used Gear Limited 020 8308 9566 | www.gearsourceeurope.com | info@gearsourceeurope.comAECOM 020 7061 7000 | www.aecom.com | John.burgess@aecom.comAedas Arts Team 020 7480 1500 | www.aedas.com/aedasartsteam | artsteam@aedas.comAnderson Bradshaw Ltd 07544 095620 | michael@abltd.orgAVW Controls Ltd 01379 898 340 | www.avw.co.uk | info@avw.co.ukBristol UK Ltd 01923 779 333 | www.bristolpaint.com | tech.sales@bristolpaint.comBuro Four 020 7832 5500 | www.burofour.com | slewis@burofour.comBuroHappold Engineering 01225 320 600 | www.burohappold.com | andrew.wylie@BuroHappold.comBurrell Foley Fischer LLP 020 7620 6114 | www.bff-architects.com | mail@bff-architects.co.ukCamstage 01727 830 151| www.camstage.com | info@camstage.com Carr & Angier 01225 446 664 | www.carrandangier.co.uk | info@carrandangier.co.ukCentral Theatre Supplies 0121 778 6400 | www.centraltheatresupplies.co.uk | enquiries@centraltheatresupplies.co.ukClark Door Ltd 01228 522 321 | www.clarkdoor.com | sales@clarkdoor.comClear-Com 001 510 337 6676 | www.clearcom.com | judy.cheng@clearcom.comConisbee 020 7700 6666 | www.conisbee.co.uk | design@conisbee.co.uk Consultancy Team UK (Ltd) 020 8888 9099 | www.consultancyteam.ltd.uk | office@consultancyteam.uk Crew Class 07984 148 906 | www.crewclass.co.uk | trainme@crewclass.co.ukCWS Lifting and Safety Ltd0800 334 5997 | www.cwslifting.co.uk | sales@cwslifting.co.ukd&b audiotechnik GB Ltd 01453 835 884 | www.dbaudio.com | info.gb@dbaudio.comEnlightened 01179 727 123 | www.enlx.co.uk | info@enlx.co.ukEquals 020 7580 3360 | www.equalsconsulting.com | mail@equalsconsulting.comEramita 0090 212 709 7090 | www.eramita.com | info@eramita.comeStage Production Ltd 020 7112 8903 | production.estage.net | production@estage.net Flashlight Ltd 01706 625 866 | www.flash-light.co.uk | sales@flash-light.co.ukFlint Hire & Supply Ltd 020 7703 9786 | www.flints.co.uk | sales@flints.co.ukFoster Wilson Architects 020 7354 1315 | www.fosterwilsonarchitects.com | mail@fosterwilsonarchitects.comGillieron Scott Acoustic Design 020 8671 2223 | www.gsacoustics.org | info@gsacoustics.orgGVA Acuity 020 7911 2265 | www.gva.co.uk/culture | mike.cook@gva.co.ukHarkness Screens (UK) Ltd 01438 725 200 | www.harkness-screens.com | sales@harkness-screens.comHaworth Tompkins 020 7250 3225 | www.haworthtompkins.com | info@haworthtompkins.comHayles and Howe Ltd 0117 972 7200 | www.haylesandhowe.co.uk | info@haylesandhowe.co.ukHOAC Schweisstechnik GmbH +49 (0) 2841 90828-0 | www.hoac.com | info@hoac.comHoward Eaton Lighting Ltd 01273 400 670 | www.helluk.com | info@helluk.comHSL Group Holdings Ltd 01254 698 808 | www.hslgroup.com | simon.stuart@hslgroup.comHussey Seatway 01985 847 200 | www.husseyseatway.com | sales@husseyseatway.comIlluminate Design 01206 709 694 | www.illuminatedesign.co.uk | info@illuminatedesign.co.ukJohn Young Creative Industries 01252 711816 | www.jyci.co.uk | johnyoung@jyci.co.ukJust Rigging & Inspections Scotland Ltd 0141 646 0499 | www.justrigging.co.uk | info@justrigging.co.ukLocker and Riley Fibrous Plastering Ltd 01245 322 022 | www.lockerandriley.com | enquiries@lockerandriley.comBRONZE ISG MEMBERS8Build 0207 710 4488 | www.8build.co.uk | info@8build.co.ukADB Stagelight s.a.s.u +33 (0)3 23 06 3570 | www.adbstagelight.com | info@adblighting.comAllies & Morrison 020 7921 0239 |www.alliesandmorrison.com | sfraser@alliesandmorrison.comArup 01962 829 900 | www.arup.com | artsandculture@arup.comAudio Light Systems Ltd 0800 043 4600 | www.audiolightsystems.com | enquiry@audiolightsystems.com Autograph Sales & Installations 020 7281 7574 | www.autographsales.co.uk | sales@autograph.co.ukBennetts Associates 020 7520 3300 | www.bennettsassociates.com | mail@bennettsassociates.com Centre Stage Engineering Ltd 0844 499 6250 | www.centre-stage.co.uk | info@centre-stage.co.ukChauvet Professional 01773 511 115 | www.chauvetprofessional.eu | uksales@chauvetlighting.comCity Theatrical Ltd 020 8949 5051 | www.citytheatrical.com | London@citytheatrical.comDoughty Engineering Ltd 07811 392 270 | www.doughty-engineering.co.uk | sarah@sprandcomms.comDrapemakers 01332 371 710 | www.drapemakers.com | drapes@designservices.co.ukEaton - Zero 88 01923 495 495 | www.eatonlightingsystems.com | lightingcontrolsolutions@eaton.com Allies and MorrisonMansoft 00358 44 770 0060 | www.mansoft.fi| samu.backman@mansoft.fiMayr Transmissions Ltd 01535 663 900 | www.mayr.com | sales@mayr.co.ukMultistage International Ltd 01284 750 474 | www.multistage.co.uk | info@multistage.co.ukMushroom Lighting 01604 790 900 | www.mushroomlighting.com | info@mushroomlighting.comNational Youth Theatre 020 3696 7066 | www.nyt.org.uk | info@nyt.org.ukNorthern Light 0131 622 9100 | www.northernlight.co.uk | info@northernlight.co.ukOtago Blue Ltd 01837 54059 | www.otagoblue.co.uk | sales@otagoblue.co.ukPlann Ltd 020 3846 9230 | www.plann.co | admin@plann.coPrice and Myers 020 7631 5128 | www.pricemyers.com | mail@pricemyers.comRB Health and Safety Solutions Ltd 0845 257 1489 | www.rbhealthandsafety.co.uk | admin@rbhealthandsafety.co.ukRigging Services Direct Ltd 0845 555 6575 | www.riggingservices.co.uk | info@riggingservices.co.ukRigging Team Ltd 020 3126 4040 | www.riggingteam.com | office@riggingteam.comRobolights Ltd 01392 823 040 | www.robolights.com | sales@robolights.comRoland 01792 702 701 | www.proav.roland.com | simon.kenning@roland.comRope Assemblies Ltd 01777 700714 | www.ropeassemblies.co.uk | sales@ropeassemblies.co.ukSansei Technologies Inc. 0081 6 6393 5621 | www.sansei-technologies.com/eng | www.sansei-technologies.com/eng/contactSaville Audio Visual 0370 606 1100 | www.saville-av.com | head.office@saville-av.comShowTex NV 0032 3 236 84 40 | www.showtex.com | bo.bettens@showtex.comSlingco Ltd 01706 855 558 | www.thecablenet.net | sales@thecablenet.netSound Space Vision 020 8877 5860 | www.soundspacevision.com | info@soundspacevision.com Stage Electrics 03330 142 100 | www.stage-electrics.co.uk | sales@stage-electrics.co.uk Theatretech 01428 651 488 | www.theatretech.net | info@theatretech.netCOLLECTIVE STRENGTHIndustry Supporters’ GroupSILVER ISG MEMBERSGerriets GB Ltd 020 7639 7704 | www.gerriets.co.uk | info@gerriets.co.ukHarlequin Floors 01892 514 888 | www.harlequinfloors.com | enquiries@harlequinfloors.comHoist UK 0151 334 7682 | www.hoistuk.com | info@hoistuk.comIgus 01604 677 240 | www.igus.co.uk | sales@igus.co.ukLe Mark Group 01480 494 540 | www.lemark.co.uk | info@lemark.co.ukLee Filters 01264 366 245 I www.leefilters.com | sales@leefilters.com LSI Projects 01483 764 646 I www.lsiprojects.com | info@lsiprojects.comNODA 01733 374 790 | www.noda.org.uk | info@noda.org.ukPhilips Entertainment Group Europe 00 31 543 542 513 | www.lighting.philips.com/main/products/entertainment | entertainment.lighting@philips.comPush The Button Ltd 0117 370 2626 | www.PTB.co.uk | hello@PTB.co.ukRoscolab Ltd 020 8659 2300 | www.rosco.com | contact@rosco.comSerapid Ltd 01359 233 335 | www.serapid.com | info-uk@serapid.comSES (Entertainment Services) Ltd 01753 585 050 | www.site-electrics.co.uk | sales@site-electrics.co.uk Set Up (Scenery) Ltd 01763 262 323 | www.setupscenery.com | info@setupscenery.comSkelly & Couch Ltd 020 7424 7770 | www.skellyandcouch.com | anna@skellyandcouch.comSouvenir Scenic Studios 020 7237 7557 | www.souvenir.co.uk | simon@souvenir.co.ukThe Fire Surgery Ltd 020 7921 0220 | www.thefiresurgery.com | andrew.nicholson@thefiresurgery.comTheatre Projects Consultants Ltd 020 7482 4224 | www.theatreprojects.com | uk@theatreprojects.comTotal Solutions Group 0121 772 5234 | www.trussing.com | info@trussing.com Triple E Ltd 01959 570 333 | www.3-eee.com | info@3-eee.comVoluntary Arts 02920 395 395 | www.voluntaryarts.org | info@voluntaryarts.org Ambassador Theatre Group Ltd 0207 534 6100| www.atg.co.ukAmbersphere Solutions 020 8992 6369 | www.ambersphere.co.uk| Sales@ambersphere.co.ukCharcoalblue LLP 020 7298 0000 | www.charcoalblue.com | studio@charcoalblue.comClay Paky Spa 00 39 035 65 43 11 | www.claypaky.it | info@claypaky.itDelfont Mackintosh Theatres Ltd 0844 482 5138 | www.delfontmackintosh.co.ukETC Ltd 020 8896 1000 | www.etcconnect.com | uk@etcconnect.comGallowglass Training Ltd 0845 600 5030 | www.gallowglasstraining.com | Training@gallowglasstraining.comGDS (Global Design Solutions) 0117 325 0063| www.gds.uk.com | matt.lloyd@gds.uk.comHawthorn 01664 821 140 | www.hawthorn.biz | Kate.Brudenell@hawthorn.bizJ&C Joel Ltd 01422 833 835 | www.jcjoel.com | sales@jcjoel.comNimax Theatres Ltd 020 7395 0780 | www.nimaxtheatres.com | general@nimaxtheatres.comReally Useful Theatres Group 020 7557 7300 | www.reallyusefultheatres.co.ukSteeldeck Industries Ltd 020 8692 9721 | www.steeldeckUK.com | sales@steeldeck.co.ukSociety of London Theatre 020 7557 6700 | www.solt.co.uk | enquiries@soltukt.co.uk Theatreplan 020 7841 0440 | www.theatreplan.co.uk | info@theatreplan.co.ukTheatres Trust 020 7836 8591 | www.theatrestrust.org.uk | info@theatrestrust.org.uk Torpedo Factory Group 01706 849 469 | www.tfg.com | hello@tfg.comUK Theatre 020 7557 6700 | www.uktheatre.org | ukt@soltukt.co.ukUnusual Rigging Ltd 01604 830 083 | www.unusual.co.uk | info@unusual.co.ukWhite Light Ltd 020 8254 4800 | www.whitelight.ltd.uk | info@whitelight.ltd.ukA.C. Entertainment Technologies 01494 446 000 | www.ac-et.com | sales@ac-et.com Aluminium Access Products Ltd 01942 514 318 | www.tallescope.co.uk | info@tallescope.co.ukGDS®®PRG XL Video 0845 470 6400 | www.prg.com/uk | info@prg.comPLATINUM ISG MEMBERSStage Technologies Ltd 020 8208 6000 | www.stagetech.com | info@stagetech.comGOLD ISG MEMBERS(formerly national stage)ORIGINALHQTracksFabrics & FlooringDrapes & ShapesStage EngineeringConsumablesDid You Know?We can provide bespokedesign, manufacturing and installation services giving customers a turn-key solution anywhere on the globe.UK Europe Africa Middle East Asia Australasiaprojects@jcjoel.com www.jcjoel.com +44 (0)1422 833835 Association of British Theatre Technicians55 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JBTel: 020 7242 9200 Fax: 020 7242 9303Email: office@abtt.org.uk Website: www.abtt.org.ukOFFICERS & COUNCILLouise Jeffreys ChairwomanRichard Bunn Vice-ChairmanZoe Cotton Co-optedDavid Edelstein David Evans Matthew Freeman Co-optedPeter Maccoy Tom Mannings James McKeogh Co-optedPaul Moore Co-optedRikki NewmanAnette OllerearnshawTamykha Patterson Co-optedCaroline RouseNikki ScottMark WhiteJohn YoungEX OFFICIO MEMBERS OF COUNCILMichael AndersonChairman, Safety CommitteeSebastian Barnes Chairman, Training & Education Comm.Tim FosterChairman, Theatre Design Comm.Roger FoxChairman, Historical Research Comm.Jean Shevelan Chairman, NorthNet – ABTTMark White Chairman, Communications and Publications CommitteeRoger Fox Company SecretaryDavid Adams Deputy Company SecretaryMatthew Jones Honorary SecretarySTAFFRobin Townley Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Elysia Moore Association Co-ordinatorStuart Roberts Financial ControllerCONSULTANTGeoffery Joyce ABTT Training Co-ordinatorRegistered Charity 282069SightlineCONTENTSvol. 41 no. 1Editorial 6Introduction to ABTT Research 7LEDs and lighting design 10Modern Theatres: Sydney Opera House 16ITEAC preview 23Perth Theatre 24Creative Venue Technician News 27Book Review: Capital Gains 28The end of Tungsten lighting? 30Haymarket Theatre, Leicester 34Ken Bennett-Hunter Award winner 37New Faces at HSE 39Technical Theatre BSL Project 40Young Associates on Council 42Safety Matters 45Members News 47Editor Rebecca MorlandPublisher John Offord Entertainment Technology Press Ltd The Studio, High Green, Great Shelford Cambridge, Cambs CB22 5EGTel: 01223 550805 Fax: 01223 550806Advertising enquiries should be sent to john@etnow.com Sightline is available by annual subscription of £120 (four issues). Sightline is published in March, June, September and December. Cheques should be made payable to Entertainment Technology Press Ltd and sent to the Publisher as above. Alternatively, please go to www.etnow.com/sightline for an order form.Opinions expressed in Sightline are not necessarily those of the Publisher or the Association of British Theatre Technicians. All rights are reserved and reproduction of any part in whatever form is prohibited without the prior permission of the ABTT and/or the Publisher. Information is published in good faith but no responsibility can be attached to the Publisher or to the Association or to any of their members or employees for the accuracy or for any liability arising therefrom. ISSN: 0265-9808 Cover: Tree of Codes, Manchester International Festival. Photo: Ravi DeepresLIGHTING | AV | RIGGING | STAGING | DRAPESTECHNICAL INSTALLATIONS & SERVICING FOR THEATRES. hawthorn.biz01664 821 111install@hawthorn.bizw: t: e: 6 Sightline Spring 2018 EditorialWelcome to the spring edition of Sightline.For several reasons, this is an edition where we highlight new developments and introduce a number of people who are, or will be, involved in the work of the ABTT.But first, I need to correct an error that I made in the editorial for Winter Sightline. I stated that 2018 marked the 40th Anniversary of the ABTT. This is, of course, incorrect. 2018 actually marks the 40th Anniversary of the ABTT Theatre Show, which will make this forthcoming event particularly special. ABTT itself was founded in 1961, making it 57 years young – something that I knew perfectly well (and in fact had referred to in the same edition, in the piece about Sir Peter Hall). My history tutors at University would be ashamed of me! Luckily subsequent pieces about the early years of ABTT will be in the much safer hands of Paul Roberts, our ABTT Research Fellow, who introduces himself and his research in this edition. We also introduce Heather Doole, the winner of the Ken Bennett-Hunter bursary. The aim of this scheme was to identify someone from a production background and support them to develop their journalism skills, so Heather will be writing in subsequent editions of Sightline as well as The Stage. If anyone has any ideas for subjects that it would be interesting for Heather to cover, please do let me know. ABTT has a close and collaborative relationship with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), which is manifested in their contribution to the production of the Yellow Book, but also in their involvement in training and other events, whilst ABTT aims to ensure that they are well-briefed about industry-specific issues. Two new HSE Regulatory Inspectors are now heading up what is known as the Fairgrounds and Entertainment Sector, and we have asked them to introduce themselves later in the magazine. They will also be present at the ABTT Show in June so that members can meet them face-to-face.We also wanted to raise awareness of two important ABTT initiatives. Ali Pottinger outlines the achievements of the Technical Theatre for Deaf People project, and includes calls for others to get involved. I would urge anyone with a few spare minutes to look at their website – www.techtheatrebsl.wordpress.com – the BSL Glossary is particularly interesting! We’ve also asked the four Young Associates on Council to introduce themselves and talk about their roles. I’m sure we’ll be hearing about these four in future issues of Sightline!This edition isn’t all about people, however. We coincidentally have two pieces about theatre lighting. Rob Halliday has produced a fascinating piece on the history of LEDs and their growing role in theatre lighting design. LEDs now offer much for lighting designers, however they are not – yet – capable of replacing everything that tungsten lighting can do. And most theatres would find it impossible to replace their entire lighting stock in the near future. This, however, could be the scenario if the EU’s Ecodesign and Energy Efficiency of Light Source proposals come into effect. A decision about this is pending, but we summarise the Association of Lighting Designers excellent arguments which explain the potential implications of this proposal.We also include pieces about three very different buildings. Firstly, the 117 year old Perth Theatre, recently refurbished to make it fit for modern audiences and needs. Secondly, Richard York re-visits the Leicester Haymarket, built in 1973, as it is poised to re-open after a long period of closure, and with plans for a very different future. And, finally, as the latest in the Modern Theatres series, David Staples explores the troubled history of the iconic Sydney Opera House. We are also delighted to include a review by Peter Longman of Capital Gains by Pru Skene. Pru was Chair of the Arts Council’s Lottery Panel in the early days of the National Lottery, which has provided so much funding for theatre building projects. Her book is a very frank account of these early days and the impact that this had on many capital developments. This is going to be a busy summer for ABTT, with the 40th Anniversary Show and ITEAC Conference coming up in early June. The next edition of Sightline will be out just before these two important events, and will include articles linked to both.Sightline Spring 2018 7 Researching The History of ABTTHello … My name is Paul Roberts and I will be researching the history of the ABTT over the next five years. With 2018 marking the 40th anniversary of the ABTT Theatre Show, I am excited to have been selected to research the history of the association and its impact on the theatre industry. Working from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, I will be conducting a research project to develop a deeper understanding of the organisation’s inception in 1961, through to its current day practice. The research will interrogate the formation of the current ABTT model, ask whether the ABTT should transcend the immediate theatre sector, and look to understand what can be learnt from past practice to aid the ABTT of the future. The project will conclude by presenting the role (if any) the ABTT has played within theatre development, legislation, advocacy and training to date, aiding evolution of the organisation and any potential impact within a more global industry. A little about meI have experience of working in a variety of rural and urban theatre settings and an academic background in Art History, Cultural Policy and Theatre Consultancy. My roles have varied across large and small-scale theatre and in positions front and back of house. This has enabled me to develop a strong understanding of theatre in its many forms and localities. During this time, being a member of the ABTT has afforded me the security of being part of an industry standard that sector colleagues recognise and trust. With your help I intend to use this opportunity to truly understand the role ABTT has and continues to play within the theatre industry by engaging with our diverse community and associated organisations. How to get involvedTo make this research successful, I am keen to meet as many people as possible that have been involved in the ABTT journey thus far. Throughout 2018, I will be encouraging you to get involved. I will be in attendance at various events across the ABTT calendar, will host regular talks and drop-in session across the UK (and online) and you can always contact me by traditional mail or email. If you have suggestions of events, groups, conversations and, indeed, additional ways that could help to develop the conversation then please do get in touch. To aid with the initial research, I would welcome name suggestions, book or paper recommendations, locations, venues or organisations you may propose to inform my understanding. Any artefacts (notes, papers, drawings etc) that relate to the history of the ABTT and could benefit the research would be greatly welcomed. Capturing the storyAlongside the research, and with the ABTT team, I hope to develop upon the current archive and repository system to capture the rich and diverse history of the ABTT. By archiving, recording, discovering and informing the history of ABTT, together we will look to create a foundation of knowledge that can inform standards for future theatre development in a national and international context. If you have items of interest that you would like to put forward to inform the research or for the ABTT to archive, then please contact Early years of ABTT – Dorothea Alexander, Gordon Hewlett, Francis Reid and Dr Richard Southern8 Sightline Spring 2018 CorrectionPlease could I ask for a correction to be published in connection with the article about Richard Bullimore which appeared in the Summer 2017 Sightline ‘Hey Mr Production Manager’? The article credits me as having run the Stage Management course at Guildhall! It was in fact Sue Thornton who achieved this not me. I was at LAMDA with Richard confirmed by my archived copies of Roneo’d foolscap and quarto programmes for the end of term productions. A magical production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ directed by Norman Ayrton with Richard as stage manager seems to be my debut as ‘Chief Electrician’ on the Major Lighting Board that had been installed in the new theatre. I had noted this on the programme in pen as I hadn’t been credited officially!Jane Thorntonme at: paul.roberts@cssd.ac.uk or by post at: c/o Paul Roberts Association of British Theatre Technicians4th Floor55 Farringdon Road London EC1M 3JB What to expect next I am looking forward to seeing how the story of the ABTT develops and how this can inform the organisation as we move forward. To start the ball rolling, I will present a pre-story of the ABTT to be included in forthcoming issues of Sightline magazine. This will focus on the theatre sector of 1956 through to the beginning of the organisation in 1961. During the course of the research a variety of forums will be used, including Sightline but also blogs, conferences and live chats during the course of this research. It would be great to have your involvement along the way. Some initial thanks I am indebted to the various ABTT members and team who have already given up their time and energy to help me so far. Such generosity has been gratefully received and has developed a fantastic foundation for future research. I am also grateful to Dr Margaret Shewring, MA Theatre Consultancy, University of Warwick, for all her guidance and support to date in developing my understanding in readiness for the project. Please do get involved in any way you can as we develop the story of the ABTT.I look forward to meeting you in the coming months. PaulAutoCAD for Theare Users – 4th edition David RipleyPrice: £32.00ISBN: 9781904031901From ‘Setting Up’ to ‘Drawing in Three Dimensions’ via ‘Drawings Within Drawings’, this compact and fully illustrated guide to AutoCAD covers everything from the basics to full colour rendering and remote 3D plotting. Fourth, completely revised edition, March 2018. Available from www.etbooks.co.uk or AmazonComing soon:Health and Safety Management in the Live Music and Events Industy by Chris HannamWest End in Watercolour: a portrait of London theatre by John HigginsNext >