Spring 2023 Sightline Journal of Theatre Technology and Design Lightroom, Kings Cross, London Jacksons Lane, London The History of Technical Theatre: The Canon Project and Towards a Theatre Lighting Museum ISG member 2023 SILVER ISG member 2023 BRONZE ISG member 2023 GOLDPLATINUM ISG member 2023 Ornate Plaster (London) Ltd 01252 718 669 | ornateplasterlondon.com | info@ornateplasterlondon.com Society of London Theatre 020 7557 6700 | solt.co.uk | enquiries@soltukt.co.uk Souvenir Scenic Studios 020 7237 7557 | souvenir.co.uk | info@souvenir.co.uk Steeldeck Industries Ltd 020 8692 9721 | steeldeckUK.com | sales@steeldeck.co.uk Theatreplan 020 7841 0440 | theatreplan.com | info@theatreplan.com Theatres Trust 020 7836 8591 | theatrestrust.org.uk | info@theatrestrust.org.uk The Walt Disney Company 020 8222 1000 | disney.co.uk/about-us | help@disney.co.uk Torpedo Factory Group 01706 849 469 | tfg.com | sales@tfg.com Trail Systems +358 (0) 40 517 43 74 | trail.fi| contact@trail.fi Tysers Entertainment & Sport (formerly Integro) 0203 9150 0342 | tysersentertainment.com | andy.rudge@tysers.com UK Theatre 020 7557 6700 | uktheatre.org | ukt@soltukt.co.uk Unusual Rigging Ltd 01604 830 083 | unusual.co.uk | info@unusual.co.uk Vari*Lite Strand Zero 88 +31 (0) 543 542 531 / +44 (0)1633 838 088 vari-lite.com / strandlighting.com / zero88.com | enquiries@zero88.com / entertainment.europe@signify.com White Light Ltd 020 8254 4800 | whitelight.ltd.uk | info@whitelight.ltd.uk Aluminium Access Products Ltd 01942 514 318 | tallescope.co.uk | info@tallescope.co.uk Arno Acoustics 07984 727 730 | arnoacoustics.com | info@arnoacoustics.com Audinate Ltd 01273 921695 | audinate.com | lisa.baldwin@audinate.com Broadweigh 01395 232020 | broadweigh.com | marketing@broadweigh.com Charcoalblue LLP 020 7298 0000 | charcoalblue.com | studio@charcoalblue.com Collaborative Creations 020 7886 8545 | collaborativecreations.co.uk | hello@creativebd.co.uk Delfont Mackintosh Theatres Ltd 0844 482 5138 | delfontmackintosh.co.uk Encore 01664 821 111 | encore-emea.com | info-uk@encoreglobal.com Ferco Seating Systems Ltd 01743 761244 | www.fercoseating.com | jane.shepherd@fercoseating.co.uk Flint Hire & Supply Ltd 020 7703 9786 | flints.co.uk | sales@flints.co.uk Harlequin Floors 01892 514 888 | harlequinfloors.com | enquiries@harlequinfloors.com J&C Joel Ltd 01422 833 835 | jcjoel.com | sales@jcjoel.com LW Theatres 020 7557 7300 | lwtheatres.co.uk | customer.relations@lwtheatres.co.uk National Theatre 020 7452 3333 | nationaltheatre.org.uk | Nimax Theatres Ltd 020 7395 0780 | nimaxtheatres.com | general@nimaxtheatres.com ORIGINAL PLATINUM ISG MEMBERS TAIT International 020 8208 6000 | taittowers.com | London@taittowers.com Ambassador Theatre Group Ltd 0207 534 6100 | atg.co.uk ETC Ltd 020 8896 1000 | etcconnect.com | uk@etcconnect.com GOLD ISG MEMBERS8Build 0207 710 4488 | 8build.co.uk | info@8build.co.uk Absolute Motion Control Ltd absolutemotioncontrol.com | info@absolutemotioncontrol.com Ambersphere Solutions Ltd 0208 992 6369 | ambersphere.co.uk | sales@ambersphere.co.uk Arup 020 7636 1531 | arup.com/venues | artsandculture@arup.com Autograph Sales & Installations 020 7281 7574 | autographsales.co.uk | sales@autograph.co.uk Bennetts Associates 020 7520 3300 | bennettsassociates.com | mail@bennettsassociates.com Centre Stage Engineering Ltd 0844 499 6250 | centre-stage.co.uk | info@centre-stage.co.uk Chauvet Europe Ltd 01773 511 115 | chauvetprofessional.eu | uksales@chauvetlighting.com City Theatrical Ltd 020 8949 5051 | citytheatrical.com | London@citytheatrical.com Clear-Com 001 510 337 6600 | clearcom.com | salessupportemea@clearcom.com Doughty Engineering Ltd 07811 392 270 | doughty-engineering.co.uk | sarah@sprandcomms.com Drapemakers 01332 371 710 | drapemakers.com | drapes@designservices.co.uk EM Acoustics 01483 266 520 | emacoustics.co.uk | info@emacoustics.co.uk Gerriets GB Ltd 020 7639 7704 | gerriets.co.uk | info@gerriets.co.uk igus (UK) Ltd 01604 677204 | www.igus.co.uk | hdurrant@igus.co.uk Kinesys 020 8481 9850 | kinesys.com | sales@kinesys.com Le Mark Group 01480 494 540 | lemark.co.uk | info@lemark.co.uk LSI Projects 01483 764 646 I lsiprojects.com | info@lsiprojects.com Misto ART +358(0)50 56 46 924 | misto.art | office@misto.art NODA 01733 374 790 | noda.org.uk | info@noda.org.uk Preevue 020 7078 8892 | preevue.com | info@preevue.com Production Resource Group UK Ltd 0345 470 6400 | prg.com/uk | marketinguk@prg.com Push The Button Ltd 0117 370 2626 | PTB.co.uk | hello@PTB.co.uk Robolights Ltd 01392 823 040 | robolights.com | sales@robolights.com Sennheiser UK 01628 402 200 | sennheiser.com/mics | info@sennheiser.com Serapid Ltd 01359 233 335 | serapid.com | info-uk@serapid.com SES (Entertainment Services) Ltd 01753 585 050 | site-electrics.co.uk | sales@site-electrics.co.uk Set Up (Scenery) Ltd 01763 262 323 | setupscenery.com | info@setupscenery.com Shure UK 01992 703058 | shure.com/en-GB/support | info@shure.com Skelly & Couch Ltd 020 7424 7770 | skellyandcouch.com | admin@skellyandcouch.com Solutions on Stage 0117 244 8625 | solutionsonstage.co.uk | enquiries@solutionsonstage.co.uk Stage Right Theatre Consultants Ltd 01386 313 169 | srtcltd.co.uk | julia.redfern@srtcltd.co.uk Stage Sound Services Ltd 029 2061 3577 | stagesoundservices.co.uk | hires@stagesoundservices.co.uk Theatre Projects Consultants Ltd 020 7482 4224 | theatreprojects.com | uk@theatreprojects.com The Fire Surgery Ltd 020 7921 0220 | thefiresurgery.com | andrew.nicholson@thefiresurgery.com The Powerdrive Drum Co. Ltd 01525 370 292 | mypowerdrive.com | info@mypowerdrive.com The Stage 020 7403 1818 | thestage.co.uk | reception@thestage.co.uk Total Solutions Group 0121 772 5234 | trussing.com | info@trussing.com Trafalgar Entertainment Group 020 7321 5400 | trafalgarentertainment.com | trafalgarmanagement@trafalgarentertainment.com Triple E Ltd 01959 570 333 | triplee.ltd | info@triplee.ltd Voluntary Arts 02920 395 395 | voluntaryarts.org | info@voluntaryarts.org Wonder Works Limited 020 8819 9040 | wonder.co.uk | info@wonder.co.uk SILVER ISG MEMBERS ORIGINAL10K Used Gear Limited 020 8308 9566 | 10Kused.com | info@10Kused.com 1stintheatre Ltd 0333 335 0374 | 1stintheatre.co.uk | info@1stintheatre.co.uk 3LR Lighting Ltd 0117 325 9098 | 3lrlighting.com | sales@3lrlighting.com A.C. Entertainment Technologies 01494 446 000 | ac-et.com | sales@ac-et.com AECOM 020 7061 7000 | aecom.com | John.burgess@aecom.com Aedas Arts Team 020 7480 1500 | aedas.com/aedasartsteam | artsteam@aedas.com Anderson Bradshaw Ltd 07544 095620 | michael@abltd.org Anystage Productions Ltd 07712 655 481 | anystage.co.uk | paul@anystage.co.uk Artisan PlasterCraft 01959 571 135 | artisanplastercraft.com | info@artisanplastercraft.com Artistic Licence Engineering Ltd 020 8863 4515 | artisticlicence.com | sales@artisticlicence.com Audio Light Systems Ltd 0800 043 4600 | audiolightsystems.com | enquiry@audiolightsystems.com Avison Young 020 7911 2265 | avisonyoung.co.uk | mike.cook@avisonyoung.com AVW Controls Ltd 01379 898 340 | avw.co.uk | info@avw.co.uk Black Cat Music & Acoustics 01892 619 719 | blackcatmusic.co.uk | sales@blackcatmusic.co.uk Blue Chilli Flying 01234 780 180 | bluechilliflying.com | info@bluechilliflying.com BuroHappold Engineering 01225 320 600 | burohappold.com | jennifer.phillips@BuroHappold.com Burrell Foley Fischer LLP 020 7620 6114 | bff-architects.com | mail@bff-architects.co.uk Camstage 01727 830 151| camstage.com | sales-team@camstage.com Central Theatre Supplies 0121 778 6400 | centraltheatresupplies.co.uk | enquiries@centraltheatresupplies.co.uk Clark Door Ltd 01228 522 321 | clarkdoor.com | sales@clarkdoor.com Conisbee 020 7700 6666 | conisbee.co.uk | design@conisbee.co.uk CWS Lifting and Safety Ltd 0117 941 5306 | cwslifting.co.uk | sales@cwslifting.co.uk d&b audiotechnik GB Ltd 01453 835 884 | dbaudio.com | info.gb@dbaudio.com DK Integrated Systems Ltd 07513 060527 | dkintegratedsystems.com | luke@dkintegratedsystems.com Drama By Design 0845 644 3846 | dramabydesign.com | info@dramabydesign.com Durham Scenic Workshops 0191 371 9238 | durhamscenicworkshops.co.uk | info@durhamscenicworkshops.co.uk Enlightened 01179 727 123 | enlx.co.uk | info@enlx.co.uk Equals 020 7580 3360 | equalsconsulting.com | mail@equalsconsulting.com Event Tech-Style Ltd +44 (0)7779 108338 | facebook.com/ewenandersontechnical | ewenandersonevents@gmail.com Figueras Seating Europe SL +34 93 844 50 50 | www.figueras.com | erovira@figueras.com Finch Consulting (Health & Safety) 07527 002 689 | finch-consulting.com | Melvin.Sandell@finch-consulting.com Flashlight Ltd 01706 625 866 | flash-light.co.uk | sales@flash-light.co.uk Floral Pavilion Theatre 0151 666 0000 | www.floralpavilion.com | floralpavilionevents@wirral.gov.uk Foster Wilson Size 020 7354 1315 | fosterwilsonsize.com | mail@fosterwilsonsize.com Gillieron Scott Acoustic Design 020 8671 2223 | gsacoustics.org | info@gsacoustics.org Glantre Engineering Ltd 0118 964 0000 | glantre.com | info@glantre.com Globestock Ltd 01691 654 966 | globestock.co.uk | info@globestock.co.uk GoboPlus 020 3603 1335 | goboplus.com | enquiries@goboplus.com Gort Services 01706 849 295 | gorts.co.uk | sales@gorts.co.uk Harkness Screens (UK) Ltd 01438 725 200 | harkness-screens.com | sales@harkness-screens.com Harper Tackley Consultants 07976 279 701 | harpertackley.com | simon@harpertackley.com Haworth Tompkins 020 7250 3225 | haworthtompkins.com | info@haworthtompkins.com Hayles and Howe Ltd 0117 972 7200 | haylesandhowe.co.uk | info@haylesandhowe.co.uk Henley Theatre Services 01491 412347 | henleytheatreservices.com | office@henleytheatre.com Highlite International BV 0031 45 566 7700 | highlite.com | info@highlite.com HOAC Schweisstechnik GmbH +49 (0) 2841 90828-0 | hoac.com | info@hoac.com Hoist UK 0151 334 7682 | hoistuk.com | info@hoistuk.com Howard Eaton Lighting Ltd 01273 400 670 | helluk.com | info@helluk.com Illuminate Design 01206 709 694 | illuminatedesign.co.uk | info@illuminatedesign.co.uk John Young Creative Industries 01252 711816 | jyci.co.uk | johnyoung@jyci.co.uk Just Rigging & Inspections Ltd 01244 678 324 | just-rigging.com | enquiries@just-rigging.com Lamp and Pencil Ltd +44 (0) 1279 902819 | lampandpencil.com | info@lampandpencil.com Levitt Bernstein 020 7275 7676 I levittbernstein.co.uk | hello@levittbernstein.co.uk Locker and Riley Fibrous Plastering Ltd 01245 322 022 | lockerandriley.com | enquiries@lockerandriley.com Mayr Transmissions Ltd 01535 663 900 | mayr.com | sales@mayr.co.uk MDG FOG UK 01604 741 000 | mdgfoguk.com contact@mdgfoguk.com Multistage International Ltd 01284 750 474 | multistage.co.uk | info@multistage.co.uk Mushroom Lighting 01604 790 900 | mushroomlighting.com | info@mushroomlighting.com Northern Light 0131 622 9100 | northernlight.co.uk | info@northernlight.co.uk North Star Engineers 020 8888 9099 | northstarengineers.uk | admin@northstar.engineer Plann Ltd 020 3846 9230 | plann.co | Julia@plann.co Press Red Rentals Ltd 01952 587 049 | pressred.biz | rentals@pressred.biz Production Safety Ltd 07973 159 402 | productionsafety.co.uk | mail@productionsafety.co.uk Pulse Consult 0121 389 8658 | pulseconsult.co.uk | enquiries@pulseconsult.co.uk RB Health and Safety Solutions Ltd 0845 257 1489 | rbhealthandsafety.co.uk | admin@rbhealthandsafety.co.uk Rigger +44 (0) 333 772 0120 | rigger.co.uk | contact@rigger.co.uk Rigging Services Direct Ltd 0845 555 6575 | riggingservices.co.uk | info@riggingservices.co.uk Rigging Team Ltd 020 3126 4040 | riggingteam.com | office@riggingteam.com Rope Assemblies Ltd 01777 700714 | ropeassemblies.co.uk | sales@ropeassemblies.co.uk Slingco Ltd 01706 855 558 | thecablenet.net | sales@thecablenet.net Sound Space Vision 020 8877 5860 | soundspacevision.com | SSV@soundspacevision.com Stage Electrics 03330 142 102 | stage-electrics.co.uk | sales@stage-electrics.co.uk Sundrax Ltd 020 8991 3319 | www.sundrax.com | salesteam@sundrax.com Theatretech 01935 882 828 | theatretech.net | info@theatretech.net Tyrell 0207 148 6200 | tyrellcct.com | sales@tyrell.com Vectorworks Inc 01635 580318 | vectorworks.net/en-GB | uksales@vectorworks.net We are Blueshed 01353 723750 | weareblueshed.co.uk | hire@weareblueshed.co.uk XM Automation Ltd +44 7956 987 463 | xmautomation.co.uk | mark.ager@xmautomation.co.uk Yesplan UK Ltd +44 (0) 7800 854404 | yesplan.be/en | info@yesplan.co.uk BRONZE ISG MEMBERS Association of British Theatre Technicians 22 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0QL Tel: 020 7242 9200 Email: office@abtt.org.uk Website: www.abtt.org.uk Registered Charity 282069 David Evans Co-Chair COUNCIL Louise Birchall Oliver Brown Mig Burgess Walsh Co-Chair Joshua Burnside Co-opted Alexander Cann Andy Franks Matthew Freeman Co-opted Peter Maccoy Paul Moore Co-opted Jessica Nicholls Co-opted Caroline Rouse Nikki Scott Vice Chair Ben Stephen Emma Wilson Anton Woodward EX OFFICIO MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Michael Anderson Chairman, Safety Committee Sebastian Barnes Chairman, Training & Education Comm. Vacant Chair, Stephen Joseph Committee Paul Durose Chair, School Theatre Support Group Tim Foster Chairman, Theatre Design Comm. Roger Fox Chairman Historical Research Comm. Matthew Jones Honorary Secretary Anette Ollerearnshaw Chair, Wigs, Hair & Make-up Comm. Nick Page Chair, Automation Comm. Tamykha Patterson UK Theatre & Live Events Apprenticeship Network Founder Jean Shevelan Chairman, NorthNet – Comm. Loretta Tomasi Honorary Treasurer Mark White Chairman, Communications and Publications Committee STAFF Robin Townley Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Elysia Moore Association and Events Manager Stuart Roberts Financial Controller CONSULTANT Geoffrey Joyce ABTT Training Co-ordinator Sightline CONTENTS vol. 46 no. 1 Editorial 7 Lightroom, Kings Cross, London 8 Towards a Theatre Lighting Museum 12 The Canon Project 16 The ABTT MAKE A DiFFERENCE Conference 20 Jacksons Lane, London 22 Training & Education in the Performing Arts 26 An Inspector Calls 32 The ABBA Arena, London 34 The ABTT Theatre Show preview 36 Young Associates 37 Book Review: Win a Few: Lose a Few 38 Technical Standards 39 Members News 42 Safety Matters 43 Editor Rebecca Morland Publisher John Offord ET Press Ltd The Studio, High Green, Great Shelford Cambridge, Cambs CB22 5EG Tel: 01223 550805 Fax: 01223 550806 Advertising enquiries should be sent to john@etnow.com Sightline is published in March, June, September and December. Copies are sent to ABTT members as a benefit of membership. Current and past copies are also available via the ABTT website www.abtt.org.uk/shop at a cost of £5.00 (ABTT members) or £10.00 (non-Members). Opinions expressed in Sightline are not necessarily those of the Publisher or the Association of British Theatre Technicians. All rights are reserved and reproduction of any part in whatever form is prohibited without the prior permission of the ABTT and/ or the Publisher. Information is published in good faith but no responsibility can be attached to the Publisher or to the Association or to any of their members or employees for the accuracy or for any liability arising therefrom. ISSN: 0265-9808 Cover: Jacksons Lane. Photo by Alex Brenner. To advertise here please contact editor@etnow.comVIDEOSCREENSERVICES.COM T: +44 (0)7795 505020 E: ADRIAN@VIDEOSCREENSERVICES.COMSightline Spring 2023 7 Editorial Welcome to Spring Sightline. It doesn’t feel very spring-like at the time of writing – it snowed yesterday – but hopefully by the time you read this, it’ll be a little more cheerful outside! We quite frequently look at historic theatre buildings in Sightline, but spend less time on the history of technical theatre. As a result, I’m delighted to feature two contrasting pieces from Nick Hunt and James Laws in this edition. Nick reports on a fascinating Europe-wide initiative that asked the big questions: about what the history of technical theatre (including design and architecture) can mean to us today, how we preserve it, how we teach it, and how we communicate it to various audiences. It was particularly good to see European collaboration on this project. James reports back on the challenges around establishing a museum of lighting equipment within the UK, highlighting the several individual collections that exist, and the difficulties of taking this forward. We’re also catching up on several recent building projects – all very different, and possibly offering insights into future directions for theatre? The recent Jacksons Lane renovation is a brilliant example of a project that aims to breathe new life into an arts centre that has been around for 30 years, while the ABBA Arena is an innovative but temporary structure, designed specifically to deliver one event – to 3,000 people a night. In addition, we feature the Lightroom, which is theatre architects Haworth Tompkins latest design – but which isn’t a performance venue at all, but a space which will present immersive and digital work. I’m still looking forward to seeing ABBA Voyager (about which I’ve heard nothing but good things), but I absolutely loved the David Hockney show at the Lightroom! The future of theatre also features in two forthcoming ABTT events. The ABTT Theatre Show – a regular highlight of the theatre year – has an additional focus on supporting new entrants to the industry, with a host of provision, including CV advice and one to ones with more senior practitioners. It should make the show an even more attractive event to younger people, and others thinking of entering the industry. The ABTT MAKE A DiFFERENCE Conference is also looking at the industry’s recruitment and retention crisis, but is doing so in a practical and innovative way, with participants required to make commitments for action. ABTT Co-Chair, Mig Burgess, introduces the event and the implications of the recent survey which the ABTT has just undertaken. Highlights of this include the very real significance that both pay and work life balance play in both recruitment and retention. These are not easy times for the theatre industry, and it is great to see ABTT rising to the occasion. It’s also great to have pieces from regulars Alan Lynagh and Anette Ollerearnshaw, bringing reports from the worlds of Westminster licensing and Training and Education respectively. I used to work between St Martin’s Lane and Charing Cross Road, where get-ins/outs were often a feature of the street scene, and having read Alan’s very informative article, I now understand a lot more about their licensing implications and what is needed to keep passers by safe and the traffic moving! Anette’s reports back from training and education are always interesting, and align closely with MAKE A DiFFERENCE. Her thoughts about training in automation seem particularly relevant! As well as the ABTT Theatre Show, we are starting to look forward to ITEAC in on 19 and 20th September, both in London and various international locations, and briefly mentioned in the Members News page. There’ll be much more on this in the next edition of Sightline, but, in the meantime further information can be found https://www.iteac.info/ . It is worth pointing out that the deadline for accepting proposals for sessions is coming up pretty soon! Rebecca Morland Editor sightline@abtt.org.uk8 Sightline Spring 2023 The redevelopment of the area around Kings Cross has, at various points, resulted in several performance spaces. Following on from the Almeida’s temporary home in a derelict bus depot back in 2001 (an early design from Haworth Tompkins), there was the part theatre/part railway station space designed to accommodate York Theatre Royal’s production of The Railway Children, and then the temporary space which accommodated the Donmar’s all female Shakespeares and the David Bowie musical Lazarus – at the same time, as far as I remember. All now gone, swept away in the ongoing development of this area which is now nearly complete – where restored old buildings and shiny new flats sit amongst public spaces that are really private and some underwhelming public art. However, it was announced some time ago that a new theatre would be part of the scheme, and that this would be the second venue to be set up by and operated by the London Theatre Company, led by Nick Hytner and Nick Starr, who already operate The Bridge Theatre, near Tower Bridge. It would be built in a similar way, sitting on the ground floor/ basement level of a mixed use development, and would be designed, again, by theatre specialists, Haworth Tompkins architects. The context in which theatres are operating has changed significantly since that initial announcement, and therefore London Theatre Company has decided to take a different Lightroom, Kings Cross Rebecca Morland route. It was announced several months ago that Lightroom would be opening as an immersive venue, capable both of exhibiting and provoking innovative digital work, and this would be a collaboration with performance design specialists 59 Productions. Its first project was later announced to be: David Hockney: Bigger and Closer (not smaller & further away). First impressions of the venue are that its foyer is very much like that of The Bridge, only smaller – even to the extent of “borrowing” its lampshades. It is a high ceiling, light-filled space, with warm timber floors and floor to ceiling windows inviting audiences in. Audiences then – as per The Bridge – descend down a woodlined staircase, to a smaller foyer space, off which lie toilets. At this level, I suspect that – in its theatre incarnation – it would have been possible to access the upper balconies, but in its current layout you drop down to enter the space at ground floor level. This is a huge, subterranean exhibition space, with an impressive volume (18.5W x 26L x 12H metres) and which has a capacity of up to 380 people in promenade. State of the art sound and projection systems enable artists to transform the space. The space has a small viewing gallery at one end, and another smaller gallery above that, built back into the wall. Its walls are Photo: Philip VileHelix S5000 Q4 Tel.: +44 1249 819494 | E-mail: uksales@highlite.com | www.highlite.comFOLLOW US: Helix S5000 Q4 • 40x 10 W RGBW LED Washer • IP65 rated, suitable for outdoor applications • 10° beam angle • Optional beam shapers for widening beam angle • 5-section control Barndoor • Tophat • Beamshapers 10° to 60° x 15° • 10° to 20° • 10° to 90° • 10° to 40°Next >